Course curriculum

    1. ACTION STEP #1: Download the Course Worksheet (2 min)

    2. Is Marketing Biblical?

    3. What did you see? Quiz

    1. What is a Marketing Plan?

    2. Wierd Video Clip Checkup

    3. Tony's Rules for Marketing MetaFormation

    4. ACTION STEP #2: Discussion: Marketing MetaFormation (15 min)

    1. Making a Plan: Who Is My Target Audience?

    2. ACTION STEP #3: Creating an Exemplar (15 min)

    3. Fleshing Out the Exemplar

    4. ACTION STEP #4: Fleshing Out Your Exemplar (15 min)

    5. The Felt Need

    6. ACTION STEP #5: My Exemplar's Felt Need (10 min)

    7. Felt Needs of Past Attendees

    8. ACTION STEP #6: Felt Needs of Teammates & Creating Your Exemplar Profile (30 min)

    9. Post Your Exemplar Profile (10 min)

    1. Why Will They Come: Trust and Experience

    2. ACTION STEP #7: Why did YOU Come? (10 min)

    3. Your Reservoir of Trust

    4. ACTION STEP #8: Identifying Your Reservoirs of Trust (20 min)

    1. Take Notes!

    2. What Information Do They Need?

    3. Information Quiz

    1. How Will They See Your Message? Call Lists, Gatekeepers, and Comping People

    2. Quiz: What Disaster Did You See?

    3. ACTION STEP #9: Making Your Call List (20 min)

    4. Reaching Out to Prior Attendees

    5. ACTION STEP #10: Adding to Your Call List (10 min)

    6. Plan a Taste and See Workshop, Plus Wrapup

    7. Quiz: Multi-tasking Test

    8. ACTION STEP #11: Begin Planning a Taste and See Event (20 min)

    9. Cohort Session

About this course

  • $10,000.00
  • 32 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content